Council's goal in its revitalisation project, is to grow our town centre into an expression of the unique identity and character of Ōpōtiki, and to be a place that supports its residents to thrive.

At the Council meeting on 23 July 2019, Council agreed to start the revitalisation of the Ōpōtiki town centre.

Consultation began in August and ended in November 2019. Community consultation had taken place in many forms such as Facebook, information sessions, community group meetings and events and Council thanks all those who took the time to engage with us. From that consultation, the community identified key themes that are unique to the character of the Ōpōtiki town centre. The themes then helped formulate the structure plan and guideline principles.

The Structure Plan will guide future decision-making regarding the revitalisation of the town centre. This will provide certainty to business owners; the wider community, and stakeholders about what development is likely to happen and when it will happen. It will also help Council; businesses and landowners to prioritise spending on activities within the town centre.

For more information on council decision making, affecting the Town Centre Revitalisation work:

Notes from Council papers and key decisions on 5 December 2023.

Upgrades to Cenotaph space ready in time for ANZAC services.

The Ōpōtiki Town Centre Structure Plan Summary was put forward to Council and adopted on the 30 June 2020, with council endorsing the recommendations set out within it.

1. Spruce it Up

Council and building owners work together to smarten up the town centre.

2. Heritage and Taonga

Council work with stakeholders to develop a heritage and taonga trail into, and around, the town centre.

3. Connecting land and sea

Council work with stakeholders to develop a walkway/cycleway between the town centre and wharf.

What's already been done?

  • Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi.
  • Whitikau Reserve including skate park and playground.
  • Cenotaph refurbishment including paving and road/public realm improvements on Potts Ave.
  • Lots 9 and 10, now home to the new-build premises of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
  • Entrance to Motu Trails.
  • Rawinia Rangi reserve.
  • Niho taniwha (road painting on road intersections at Elliott Street/St John Street, King Street/St John Street and Church Street/Richard Street).
  • Upgrade of the Hospice Shop.
  • New verandas on Church Street.