The draft Freedom Camping Bylaw aims to balance environmental impact, public safety, and community wellbeing; allowing for freedom camping in our district while protecting our natural spaces and places.
Consultation on a draft bylaw took place in May and June 2024. During this period, Council staff also engaged with key stakeholders to gather valuable insights and feedback.
In response to the submissions received, the draft Bylaw has been updated in several ways:
- Alignment with legal requirements:
a statement has been removed that was not compliant with Section 12 of the Freedom Camping Act 2011. - Identification of prohibited areas:
the draft Bylaw now includes a refined list of areas where freedom camping will be prohibited. These areas have been identified through a site assessment , which considered environmental sensitivity, public health and safety, and access as outlined in the Freedom Camping Act. - Simplification of bylaw language:
the language has been simplified so it is clearer and easier to understand. - Permitted areas and temporary restrictions:
the draft Bylaw now includes two additional sections: Section 5, which outlines the areas where freedom camping is permitted, and Section 9, which grants the Council the authority to temporarily prohibit or adjust restrictions on freedom camping as circumstances require (allowing council to adapt if circumstances change).
Important documents include:
- The amended draft bylaw
- Statement of Proposal
- Site assessment document
- You can also read more about the legislative framework including the Freedom Camping Act 2011
Prohibited Areas
Prohibited Areas
The Freedom Camping Act 2011 permits freedom camping in any local authority area unless it is restricted or prohibited in the bylaw. Local authority areas include public places such as reserves, roads, and laybys, excluding designated camping grounds.
The draft bylaw identifies areas where freedom camping will be either prohibited or restricted within the Ōpōtiki District.
You can read the site assessment analysis on each of these areas, which considered environmental sensitivity, public health and safety, and access.
- Ōhiwa Spit Reserve, Ōhiwa
- Road Reserve, Ōhiwa
- Road Reserve, Ōhiwa
- Road Reserve, Ōhiwa
- Ōhiwa Boat Ramp, Ōhiwa
- Bryan’s Beach, Ōhiwa
- Te Ahiaua Reserve (Pipi Beds), Waiotahe
- Whitikau Reserve, town centre
- Memorial Park, town centre
- Road Reserve, Albert street
- Ohui Domain, Otara street
- Hikuwai Reserve, Hukuwai Beach
- Road Reserve, Opape
- Hoani Waititi Reserve, Omaio
- Road Reserve, Omaio
- Te Kaha Reserve, Maraetai Bay
- Road Reserve, Waihau Bay
NZTA land
- Road reserve, Waiotahe (5 separate locations)
- Main
entrance carparking, Waiotahe
Ōhiwa spit Reserve, Ōhiwa
Ōhiwa Reserve is located, approximately 22km west of Ōpōtiki township. It is accessed from Ōhiwa Harbour Road. Freedom camping is prohibited in the majority of the reserve within the red outlined area in the image below.
Road Reserve, Ōhiwa
The road reserve nearby the entrance of the holiday park is located, approximately 21km west of Ōpōtiki township. It is accessed from Ōhiwa Harbour Road. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below

Road Reserve, Ōhiwa
The road reserve is located nearby the entrance of Onekawa Te Mawhai Regional Park, approximately 21km west of Ōpōtiki township. It is accessed from Ōhiwa Harbour Road. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Road Reserve, Ōhiwa
The road reserve is located at the corner of Ohiwa Harbour Road and Reeves Road, approximately 20km west of Ōpōtiki township. It is accessed from Ōhiwa Harbour Road or Reeves Road. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Ōhiwa boat ramp, Ōhiwa
Ōhiwa boat ramp is located, approximately 23km west of Ōpōtiki township. It is accessed from Ōhiwa Loop Road. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Bryan’s Beach, Ōhiwa
The reserve is located near Brayn’s beach, approximately 19km west of Ōpōtiki township. It is accessed from Ōhiwa Beach Road. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Te Ahiaua Reserve (Pipi Beds), Waiotahe
Te Ahiaua Reserve is located near Waiotahe Beach, approximately 9km west of Ōpōtiki township. It is accessed from State Highway 2. Freedom camping is prohibited in the majority of the reserve within the red outlined area in the image below. (There is also a RESTRICTED freedom camping area alongside).

Whitikau Reserve, town centre
The parking space for Whitikau Reserve is located near the Ōpōtiki holiday park. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Memorial Park, town centre
The park is located in proximity to Ōpōtiki Domain sports park and is connected to Ohui Domain sports park via the Motu cycle trail. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Road Reserve, Albert Street
The area is located at the corner of Memorial Park near the bridge. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Ohui Domain, Otara Road
The parking space for Ohui Park is located in the south of the park. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Hikuwai Reserve, Hukuwai Beach
Hikuwai Reserve is located at Hikuwai Beach, approximately 3km east of Ōpōtiki township. Freedom camping is prohibited in the majority of the reserve within the red outlined area in the image below.

Road Reserve, Opape
The road reserve is located in Opape, approximately 15km east of Ōpōtiki township.
Freedom camping is prohibited in the area within the red outlined area in the image below.

Hoani Waititi Reserve, Omaio
Hoani Waititi Reserve is located in Omaio, approximately 55km east of Ōpōtiki township. Freedom camping is prohibited in the unmanaged bush areas on the outer edges of the reserve within the red outlined areas in the image below. (There is also a RESTRICTED freedom camping area alongside).

Road Reserve, Omaio
The road reserve is located in Omaio, approximately 55km east of Ōpōtiki township. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined areas in the image below.

Te Kaha Reserve, Maraetai Bay
Te Kaha Reserve is located at Maraetai Bay in Te Kaha, approximately 68km east of Ōpōtiki township. Freedom camping is prohibited in the majority of the reserve within the red outlined area in the image below. (There is also a RESTRICTED freedom camping area alongside).

Road Reserve, Waihau Bay
The road reserve is located in Waihau Bay, approximately 103km east of Ōpōtiki township. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined areas in the image below. (There is also a RESTRICTED freedom camping area alongside).

NZTA land
The NZTA land subject to this bylaw is under consultation with NZTA for their approval.
As it is contingent on their approval, the bylaw may be updated accordingly.
Road Reserve, Waiotahe
The reserve is located near Te Ahiaua Reserve, approximately 9km west of Ōpōtiki township. It is accessed from Stage Highway 2. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below

Road Reserve, Waiotahe
The road reserve is located near Waiotahe Beach, approximately 8km east of Ōpōtiki township. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Road Reserve, Waiotahe
The road reserve is located near Waiotahe Beach, approximately 8km east of Ōpōtiki township. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Road Reserve, Waiotahe
The road reserve is located near Waiotahe Beach, approximately 8km east of Ōpōtiki township. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Road Reserve, Waiotahe
The road reserve is located near Waiotahe Beach, approximately 7km east of Ōpōtiki township. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Main entrance carparking, Waiotahe
The car parking is located near the main entrance of Waiotahe Beach, approximately 6km east of Ōpōtiki township. Freedom camping is prohibited in the red outlined area in the image below.

Restricted Areas
Restricted Areas
and the PROHIBITED spaces within these areas/reserves
The draft bylaw would mean that freedom camping is allowed in four specific RESTRICTED areas of our rohe (district):
- Te Ahiaua Reserve (Pipi Beds)
- Hikuwai Reserve
- Hoani Waititi Reserve, Omaio
- Te Kaha Reserve, Maraetai Bay
The draft bylaw also clearly marks the parts of these four areas where freedom camping is expressly PROHIBITED, to prevent ‘overflow’ camping.
- All freedom camping in the Ōpōtiki local authority areas is restricted.
- A person may only freedom camp at a particular freedom camping site for a maximum of three nights within a 4-week period.
- All waste must be disposed of at a regional or district council approved facility.
- Public facilities must not be used for washing and/or drying dishes, clothes, or any other camp related items.
- Vehicles must be legally parked and will not prevent others from undertaking legitimate activities in the area.
- Freedom campers must comply with the request/s of an authorised enforcement officer.
- No person may light any fire while freedom camping in a local authority area except in a place specifically provided by the Council for that purpose, or with the prior written permission of Council.
- Dogs must be under control at all times.
- Additional area-specific restrictions apply.
1. Te Ahiaua Reserve (Pipi Beds), Waiotahe
Te Ahiaua Reserve is located near Waiotahi Beach, approximately 9km west of Ōpōtiki township. It is accessed from State Highway 2.
- Freedom camping is restricted to the southeast portion of the reserve within the green outlined area.
- Freedom camping is prohibited in the majority of the reserve within the red outlined area.

2. Hikuwai Reserve
Hikuwai Reserve is located at Hikuwai Beach, approximately 3km east of Ōpōtiki township. It is accessed from State Highway 35.
- Freedom camping is restricted to the southcentral area of the reserve within the green outlined area.
- Freedom camping is prohibited in the majority of the reserve within the red outlined area.

3. Hoani Waititi Reserve, Omaio
Hoani Waititi Reserve is located in Omaio, approximately 55km east of Ōpōtiki township.
- Freedom camping is restricted to the southcentral area of the reserve within the green outlined area.
- Freedom camping is prohibited in the unmanaged bush areas on the outer edges of the reserve within the red outlined areas.

4. Te Kaha Reserve, Maraetai Bay
Te Kaha Reserve is located at Maraetai Bay in Te Kaha, approximately 68km east of Ōpōtiki township.
- Freedom camping is restricted to the southcentral area of the reserve within the green outlined area.
- Freedom camping is prohibited in the majority of the reserve within the red outlined area.