Final Fees and Charges Schedule

This consultation item is now closed. Council thanks the community for your participation.

To read the final adopted 2024-25 Fees and Charges Schedule, click the below link.

2024-25 Fees and Charges Schedule - Adopted 18 June 2024

The report outlining submissions received and Council's responses can be read at the following link:

Extra Ordinary Council Meeting - 18 June 2024


2024-25 Fees and Charges Schedule

Ōpōtiki District Council would like to hear your thoughts on our draft Fees and Charges. We have reviewed and updated these as part of our Long Term Plan 2024 – 2034 process, which you can read more about here:


Council has reviewed our Fees and Charges schedule relating to Council’s functions pursuant to:

  • Building Act 2004
  • Food Act 2014
  • Health Act 1956
  • Impounding Act 1955
  • Local Government and Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
  • Local Government Act 2002
  • Resource Management Act 1991
  • Utilities Access Act 2010
  • Burial and Cremation Act 1964

The Fees and Charges Schedule also relates to:

  • Dog registration and impounding fees
  • Stock droving
  • Registration of premises (Food/Health)
  • Regulatory - Other Fees and Charges
  • Resource management Fees and Charges
  • Building Control fees
  • Libraries and community facilities
  • Water connections and bulk water charges
  • Land Transport fees
  • Solid Waste
  • File access and information requests
  • Libraries and community facilities including cemeteries.

The proposed Fees and Charges are all inclusive of GST and will take effect from 1 July 2024.

What is the Fees and Charges Schedule?

Council’s Revenue and Financing Policy provides information on the funding sources available to Council for the activities and services we deliver, and also provides the rationale for why particular funding sources are used for particular activities or services.

Fees and charges are one of those funding sources, and they are typically applied where the service or activity is for the benefit of an individual customer (such as when an individual applies for a resource consent). It is in these instances where Council applies a fee or charge to cover the cost of delivering that service/activity, as opposed to this being funded or ‘subsidised’ by the general rate that everyone pays.

Why are we consulting on this?

In making any resolution under the Food At 2014 or the Resource Management Act 1991, Council must use the Special Consultative Procedure as outlined in section 83 of the Local Government Act 2002. This document is part of that consultation procedure.

Reviewing our Fees and Charges helps ensure Council is recovering the actual and reasonable costs associated with:

  1. Goods, services, or amenities provided by Council.
  2. The issuing or monitoring of permits, inspections and other approvals associated with bylaws and legislation.
  3. Processing and making decisions in relation to resource consents, plan changes and designations, and fulfilling certain other regulatory obligations under the Resource Management Act 1991.

Summary of proposed changes to Fees and Charges Schedule

Read the 2024-25 proposed Resource Management Services fees and charges here.

Council is proposing to increase these fees by approximately 26% as software, audit, and staffing costs have increased substantially. There is more required of local government in this space to remain up to standard and this, combined with inflation, is the primary drive of the increase.

Other fees and charges

Council reviews all fees and charges annually and, in most cases, adjusts based on inflation. You can read the entire proposed Fees and Charges Schedule here or pick up a physical copy from our main office at 108 Saint John Street.

Use the form below to make a submission

We’re keen to hear your feedback on the proposed Fees and Charges Schedule. Your submissions directly contribute to Council’s decision-making.

Alternatively, you can collect physical copies of the draft policy and submission forms from our main office at 108 Saint John Street, Ōpōtiki. These can be returned to use by

  • Sending it to Ōpōtiki District Council, PO Box 44, Ōpōtiki.
  • Dropping a copy off to our main office front reception at 108 Saint John Street, Ōpōtiki.
  • Emailing a copy to